With a name like Protecting America, you should probably be able to count on solid, unfaltering security services and systems. Alongside top-notch security monitoring, the home security provider prides itself on offering a DIY, self-install option for every household, large or small. The security systems offered by Protect America also have the capacity to integrate with cellular devices. What do you actually get for the security package? Well, the top-rated Silver package comes with a Simon XT Control Panel, 9 door and window sensors, a motion detector, a sign for your yard, and 3 window decals. Wondering how it works? What it does? Why I rated it 9.6 out of 10? Let’s look to the actual product, starting with its design to answer those questions and more.
Design 9.3
The design of the alarm system is simple and classic, and perhaps a little boring, however the interface displays larger buttons which help to navigate through the panel and system. The LCD display of the Simon XT Control Panel is backlit and touch-screen. Door, window, motion sensors are relatively inconspicuous and made from a white plastic. The design of the system is pretty old school, not very modern, but it’s a security system—it should work and be next-to-invisible. I think this system accomplishes just that.
Protect America Product Image

Software 9.8
Equipped with interactive monitoring via text messages and email, the Protect America Silver security package offers those away from home the ability to be notified of movement, alarms, and more from their cell phone. There’s also 3.5 out of 5 star rated phone app. The only con I’ve observed via the Google Play Store is that users are unhappy with the fact you cannot disable alarms remotely, or arm them, but based on the nature of a security system, if something triggers an alarm, you want to make sure your home is safe.
Remote deactivation doesn’t really propel this sentiment. In addition to its interactive monitoring and cellular monitoring, the touch-screen system’s software features built-in voice commands, wireless technology, built-in piezo siren, a latchkey pager, user tracking, home automation add-ons, and more. Its features are pretty robust for a DIY home security system.
Warranty 8.9
How long will it last? The average lifespan of the system’s equipment is somewhat impossible to gauge, as location of installation and frequency of use play large factors in how long it may last. Though, one thing’s for sure is that Protect America offers a lifetime warranty on all of their equipment. And, typical wear and tear is met with occasional hardware upgrades by the company, which means you’re set...for life.
Performance 10
Enter the world of nationwide home security coverage with Protect America. They serve all 50 states with servicing from coast to coast. In addition to a wide coverage network, the service offers a password arm and de-arm system which helps you prevent dispatch and secure your home when leaving. There’s also a built-in battery back-up during outages to prevent lack of coverage. And, service is available 24 hours a day with the 24-hour emergency panic button that comes complete with the system.
Value 10
With monthly rates ranging from $38-50, Protect America offers a budget-friendly security package free of all installation fees. You can count on your monthly monitoring fee (embedded into the cost) to be around $19.99, and be locked in for life. They don’t change pricing once you sign up for the service, which gives this Silver security package quite amazing value.